NCBI accessions MZ826164, MZ826165, and MZ826166; Panax vietnamensis chromosomes 1, 2, and 3, complete sequence.

Resource Type: 
Genome Assembly
NCBI accessions MZ826164, MZ826165, and MZ826166; Panax vietnamensis chromosomes 1, 2, and 3, complete sequence.

Assembly deposited as NCBI GenBank accessions MZ826164, MZ826165, and MZ826166. Sequencing technology: Illumina; Oxford Nanopore. Assembly method: NextDenovo v. 2.3.1

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Cross Reference: 
NCBI NuccoreLoading content
NCBITaxonLoading content
NameCommon NameComment
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Program, Pipeline, Workflow or Method Name: 
NextDenovo v. 2.3.1
Program Version: 
MZ826164, MZ826165, MZ826166
Date Performed: 
Thursday, August 5, 2021 - 19:00
Data Source: 
Source Name
: NCBI accessions MZ826164, MZ826165, MZ826166
Source Version
: MZ826164.1, MZ826165.1, MZ826166.1