This page contains a list of other databases housing data that includes one or more members of the Apiales clade, listed in order of original public release or of publication. The publication links in the third column are to the most recent publication rather than to the original publication for the database.
For a list of germplasm collections, some of which have an associated database, see the Germplasm Collection page.
Year | Database Name | Publi- cation |
URL | Short Description | Notes |
1862 | NAL | Agricola | | USDA National Agricultural Library and publication database | ||
1971 | PDB | link | | Protein Data Bank. Protein sequences, searches use Mmseqs2 | |
1988 | NCBI | link | | Sequence repository, PubMed publication database | Shares data with EMBL-EBI and DDBJ |
1996 | The World Carrot Museum | | The first virtual museum in the world entirely devoted to the history, evolution, science, sociology and art of Carrots | ||
2003 | PlantProm DB | link | [Long URL] | A Database of Plant Promoter Sequences (Release 2009.02) | Three promoters for Daucus carota |
2009 | Plaza | link | | An access point for plant comparative genomics, centralizing genomic data produced by different genome sequencing initiatives | PLAZA 5.0 Daucus carota link |
2010 | RoBuST | link | | Genomic information for root and bulb vegetables including carrots, celeriac (root celery), parsnips and Alliaceae | Nov. 2021 not available Wayback machine 2016 |
2011 | Phytozome | link | | A hub for accessing, visualizing and analyzing JGI-sequenced plant genomes, as well as selected genomes and datasets that have been sequenced elsewhere | Includes Daucus carota genome assembly |
2014 | CarrotDB | link | | Genome assembly of 'DC-27', Blast, transcriptome data, taproot images | Nov. 2021 not available Wayback machine 2015 |
2016 | iTAK | link | | Plant transcription factors (TFs), transcriptional regulators (TRs) and protein kinases (PKs) | Includes Daucus carota and Panax notoginseng |
2016 | PlantTFDB 4.0 | link | | A central hub for transcription factors and regulatory interactions in plants | |
2017 | CNCB-NGDC | link | | China National Center for Bioinformation - National Genomics Data Center | |
2018 | Ginseng Genome Database | link | | Draft genome, transcriptome, and functional annotation datasets of Panax ginseng | |
2018 | China National GeneBank Database | | China National GeneBank DataBase (CNGBdb) is a unified platform built for biological big data sharing and application services to the research community. | ||
2020 | CeleryDB | link | | The whole-genome sequences of celery | Nov. 2021 not available |
2020 | CGDB | link | | A genomic, transcriptomic, and metabolic database for coriander | |
2020 | GreenCircRNA | link | | A Wiki-database of plant CircRNAs | Includes Daucus carota |
2020 | CGD | link | | A high-quality celery genome sequence assembly, anchored to 11 chromosomes | |
2021 | Water dropwortDB | link | | Dec. 8 2021 not avaliable | |
2022 | CarrotOmics | link | | Genomic, Genetic, and Breeding Resources for Carrot Research | You are at CarrotOmics now! |