Data Template
Template TypeCONTACT
* contact_nameName of the contact (person, institution, etc).
aliasAny alias of the contact.
* typeName of the contact - choose one from person, company, institution, lab or organization).
first_nameFirst name of the person.
last_nameLast name of the person.
ORCIDThe ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a nonproprietary alphanumeric code to uniquely identify scientific and other academic authors and contributors.
institutionName of the institution the person belongs to.
labName of the lab the person belongs to.
addressAddress of the contact.
emailEmail of the contact.
phonePhone number of the contact.
faxFax number of the contact.
titleJob title of the person.
countryCountry of the contact.
sourceSource of the data when the contact information is obtained from other databases.
last_updateDate of the last update.
urlURL of home page.
commentsAny comments of the contact.
keywordsA maximum of 5 keywords that best describe the person's area of work.
##property_nameSpecial columns (##) : followed by name (cvterm name) of the property.
* Required field