Data Template
Template TypeQTL
* dataset_nameName of the QTL trait study, the dataset_name should exist in 'dataset_name' column of the 'Dataset' sheet.
* QTL_labelOfficial unique label of QTL given by the curator. Follow each database's naming convention.
published_symbolPublished Symbol for the QTL.
* genusThe genus of the phenotyping material.
* speciesThe species of the phenotyping material.
infraspecific_typeInfraspecific type of the stock as defined in the taxonomic_rank CV
infraspecific_nameInfraspecific name of the stock
* trait_nameDescriptive name for trait, it should be one of the crop trait ontology and should match a term in 'Trait' sheet.
trait_descriptor_setName of the crop trait ontology (entered by the curator who loads the data into the database). If not provided, the site trait ontology will be used.
site_nameIt should match 'site_name' in the 'Site' sheet.
aliasOther names for the trait, multiple aliases, separated by a semicolon (;) can be added.
R2Fraction of the total variation explained by the QTLs.
LODQTL Likelihood of odds.
bayes_factorBayes factor.
additive_effectThe average phenotype effect of substituting a q allele for a Q allele.
dominance_effectThe deviation of the heterozygote phenotype from the mean of the homozygotes.
additivity_dominance_ratioThe average phenotype effect of substituting a q allele for a Q allele dominance effect The deviation of the heterozygote phenotype from the mean of the homozygotes.
direction The direction of additive effect on the phenotype.
colocalized_markerMarker locus that are mapped within the interval defined by the QTL. Multiple loci can be added, separated by a semicolon (;).
neighboring_markerMarker locus that is mapped in the nearest flanking position outside the interval defined by the QTL. Used to estimate QTL position if no appropriate colocalized loci are found. Multiple loci can be added, separated by a semicolon (;).
screening_methodAny specific method for the phenotypic inspection.
commentsAny comments.
meanMean value of the phenotype (if one QTL has multiple mean values based on the condition and/or population, enter them in QTL_trait_Data sheet.
kw_scorekw score.
population_low_valueLowest phenotypic value.
population_high_valueMaximum phenotypic value.
* referencepub_id of the QTL paper.
##property_nameSpecial columns (##) : followed by name (cvterm name) of the property.
* Required field