Data Template
* marker_qtl_mtlName of the marker, QTL or MTL. Please provide the detailed data in 'Marker', 'QTL', 'MTL' or 'Haplotype_Block' sheet.
locus_nameWhen a RFLP (eg. AA07) corresponds to more than one locus, the marker name (eg. AA07) is recorded in marker/qtl/mtl column and the specific name for each map position (eg. AA07A, AA07B) is recorded in this 'locus_name' column. Use AA07 as a marker name and the loci names as aliases for the marker name in 'Marker' Sheet. When a MTL is mapped to multiple locations, use the MTL_name in 'MTL' sheet in 'marker/qtl/mtl' column and the locus name of the specific map position in 'locus_name' colum.
* map_nameName of the genetic map.
* linkage_groupName of the linkage group.
linkage_group_orderThe order of linkage groups for display. Some maps have linkage groups orders of which are not obvious such as G1V, G1G, G2V, etc.
chr_nameChromosome name for the linkage group when it\'s known (eg. At1, Dt1, etc in cotton).
chr_numberChromosome number for the linkage group when it\'s known (eg. chr1, chr26, etc).
chromosome_armName of the chromosome_arm for fish map.
bin_nameName of the bin if the locus is belongs to a bin. If a molecular marker belongs to multiple bins, list all of them in separate rows.
startThe position of the locus (cM) or start position of the QTL.
stopThe end position of the QTL or marker when a marker corresponds to a region in a genome.
qtl_peakCenter position or the most likely position of the QTL.
commentsAny comments for the map position.
* Required field