Data Template
Template TypeMARKER_POST
* genomeName of the genome.
* landmark_typeType of landmark, e.g. chromosome.
* landmark_nameName of the landmark, e.g. Chr1.
* marker_nameName of the marker.
genusThe genus name of the organism from which the marker was developed.
speciesThe species name of the organism from which the marker was developed. Enter 'sp.' to represent one unknown species, 'spp.' to represent multiple unknown species.
infraspecific_typeInfraspecific type of the stock as defined in the taxonomic_rank CV
infraspecific_nameInfraspecific name of the stock
fminThe leftmost/minimal boundary, 0-based
fmaxThe rightmost/maximal boundary, 1-based
strandOrientation of the location (should be 0, -1 or +1)
* Required field