Name | Description |
This analysis is a blastp search of all of the NCBI Daucus carota subsp. sativus Annotation Release 100 polypeptide sequences against combined ExPASy SwissProt and TrEMBL databases from Nov. 17, 2021. Prior to performing the blast search, the database was filtered to remove organisms not in the Viridiplantae, and also filtered to remove DCAR gene predictions from DCAR V1.0 Gene Prediction. |

Relationships |
The organism, Daucus carota subsp. sativus, is a homotypic synonym of organism, Daucus carota var. sativus. |

File | Type |
DCARv2 Gaps JBrowse GFF3 | GFF3 |
16.marker.93 | microsoft excel xlsx file |
Name | Tissue | Treatment | Description |
SAMN00259691 | Not set | Not set | mRNA library was from mix of 60% root tissue and 40% leaf tissue, from 10-week old plants. B493 is a released carrot inbred line, see URL for inbred line release announcement from September 8, 1983. QAL is a wild carrot, common name Queen Anne's Lace. |
SAMN00259712 | Not set | Not set | mRNA library was from mix of 60% root tissue and 40% leaf tissue, from 10-week old plants. B6274 is a released carrot inbred line, see URL for inbred line release announcement from September 8, 1983. |
SAMN00259713 | Not set | Not set | mRNA library was from mix of 60% root tissue and 40% leaf tissue, from 10-week old plants. B7262 is a released carrot inbred line, see URL for inbred line release announcement from October 27, 1993. |
SAMN30121103 | leaf | Not set | Domestication Status: Cultivated; Storage Root Color: Yellow |
SAMN30121114 | leaf | Not set | Domestication Status: Cultivated; Storage Root Color: Yellow |
SAMN30121155 | leaf | Not set | Domestication Status: Cultivated; Storage Root Color: Orange |
SAMN30121157 | leaf | Not set | Domestication Status: Cultivated; Storage Root Color: Orange |
SAMN30121158 | leaf | Not set | Domestication Status: Cultivated; Storage Root Color: Orange |
SAMN30121210 | leaf | Not set | Domestication Status: Cultivated; Storage Root Color: Orange |
SAMN30121211 | leaf | Not set | Domestication Status: Cultivated; Storage Root Color: Orange |

Accession | Accession Type |
PI 515999 | Germplasm Accession |
PI 652148 | Germplasm Accession |
PI 652162 | Germplasm Accession |
PI 432899 | Germplasm Accession |
PI 436674 | Germplasm Accession |
PI 508470 | Germplasm Accession |
PI 652160 | Germplasm Accession |
Ames 7702 | Germplasm Accession |
PI 652163 | Germplasm Accession |
PI 483348 | Germplasm Accession |