Daucus carota

Resource Type: 
Germplasm Accession
PI 230723
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Daucus carota
PI 230723

Yield heavy.; DONATED 12/19/1955 Netherlands by Grains-Seeds, Limited

There are 15 relationships.
The sample, PI 230723.ALB.1992.1, is sample of accession, Daucus carota.
The sample, PI_230723:DAUCUS.AMES.COBS.HISTORICAL, is sample of accession, Daucus carota.
The sample, PI_230723_67ncwo01_SD:NC7.100SEEDWGT.TRANSFER.FROM.NC7IV.TABLE, is sample of accession, Daucus carota.
The sample, PI_230723_83ncno01_SD:NC7.100SEEDWGT.TRANSFER.FROM.NC7IV.TABLE, is sample of accession, Daucus carota.
The sample, PI_230723_85ncai01_SD:NC7.100SEEDWGT.TRANSFER.FROM.NC7IV.TABLE, is sample of accession, Daucus carota.
The sample, PI 230723.Crop Science 59:1107 Table S1, is sample of accession, Daucus carota.
The sample, PI 230723.Loarca.2016.1, is sample of accession, Daucus carota.
The sample, PI 230723.Loarca.2016.2, is sample of accession, Daucus carota.
The sample, PI 230723.Loarca.2017.1, is sample of accession, Daucus carota.
The sample, PI 230723.Loarca.2017.2, is sample of accession, Daucus carota.
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Strandberg, J.O. 1992. Evaluations of plant introductions of Daucus species for tolerance of Alternaria Dauci and some other horticultural characteristics. University of Florida Central Florida Research and Education Center. Sanford, Florida. Research Report SAN 93-03

This study is the first field-based, multi-year experiment to evaluate shoot-growth trait variation over a 100-day growing season in a carrot diversity panel (N=695) that includes genetically diverse carrot accessions from the United States Department of Agriculture National Plant Germplasm System. This study provides the first broad-sense heritability estimates for early-season seedling vigor and early-season canopy coverage on a diverse collection. We also develop a method for characterizing flowering to identify accessions that are predominantly biennial, which could be incorporated into biennial breeding programs without substantially increasing the risk of annual growth habits.

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